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Summer Fun Part Two: Top TEN Indoor Activities for Kids

Dear Reader, I know you are familiar with the scenario. The kiddos are melting down and wreaking havoc on the house, not to mention your nerves. You can't go outside because it's been raining for, what seems like, weeks or the heat index is melting you as soon as you step out the door. So, what exactly is a frazzled mom (or dad) to do when the elements conspire against you?

Get out of the house of course. But where? Here are my top ten recommendations for fun indoor activities for the kiddos in the summer!

#1 Indoor Playground

Indoor playgrounds are always a winner on hot or rainy summer days! Whether you go with friends for a play date or if you and your kiddos go on your own, having the ability to let them scream, run wild, bounce, and explore to their hearts content also allows you to take a well-deserved deep breath. Some indoor playgrounds will let you bring in your own lunch and snacks so you can even make it a play and eat destination.

#2 Children's Museum

Children's Museums are a great way for kids to explore an array of fun activities. Most children's museums have an educational bent, providing activities that explore things such as cause and effect and gravity. Often there are dress-up areas, workstations, and even projects the kiddos can make and take home with them. It's fun to see what your kiddos are drawn to and want to spend their time on.

#3 Movie Theater

Who doesn't like going to a movie? Getting lost in a story, enjoying popcorn and candy, and watching your kiddos soak in the wonder of the experience is always heartwarming. Not to mention, getting out of the heat of the summer is always a plus.

Check out your local movie theater for dates and times for kid-friendly movies. Most movie theaters have kid days where the movies are less expensive and usually, there are deals on the snacks as well.

#4 Museum of Natural Science

Some parents are skeptical about taking their kiddos to the Museum of Natural Science. They worry about keeping their kiddos' attention on the exhibits or if they will run around like little hellions. But believe it or not, the staff at Natural Science Museums are very accustomed to kids exploring the exhibits.

You can find everything from fantastic dinosaur exhibits to different habitats, animals, rocks/gems, elements, and cultural history. There is a seemingly endless number of things for your kiddos to look at, explore, and enjoy.

#5 Play/Musical

Going to a musical or a play can be a magical experience for kiddos and parents alike. While there are many kid-friendly productions that you can take advantage of, don't discount the classics like Guys and Dolls, West Side Story, and Cats, not to mention Phantom of the Oprea and Les Miserable.

#6 Ice Rink

Ice skating isn't just for winter. Grab your ice skates (or rent them) and some cool-weather clothes and enjoy the crisp cold of an indoor ice-skating rink. It doesn't matter if you and your kiddos are learning a new skill or perfecting your spins; spending time with your kiddos doing something active in a winter setting is always fun during the hot summer months! On a side note, for those who live in warm weather climates, ice skating is a novelty that rarely gets old.

#7 Indoor Water Park

These fully immersive water wonderlands are always a hit with kiddos. Most indoor water parks are attached to hotels, and they will have package deals available where you can get discounts on water park passes with the purchase of a room.

With that in mind, you can make a visit to the water park an all-day event with the benefit of a room to rest in and the hotel restaurants to eat in. You could even make it a family weekend "staycation" with extended family members.

#8 Planetarium

For those of us with "everything space" minded kiddos a trip to the planetarium might just win you the parent of the year award in your kiddos mind!

Most Natural Science Museums have a planetarium, but you can also find them at universities and on their own.

The chance to feel like you are in space, seeing the stars and galaxies surrounding you is something that even adults find memorizing and kids find magical.

#9 Arcade

Arcades are back in style so you will be the cool parent when you set this as the destination for the day.

Many arcades have "old school" games so you can show your kiddos the perfection of Pac-Man while your kiddos get a kick out of teaching you how to play their favorites.

There are even arcades that will do a flat rate for all-day play. If you can find one of those near you, you've hit gold!

#10 Bowling

An oldie but a goodie. Grab those bowling shoes, some nachos, and a bowling ball, and get your family bowling game going. It's an entertaining way to pass some quality family time in the A/C.

Just remember not to take yourself too seriously as the pins at the end of the lane mock you and refuse to fall. Unless of course, you are a bowling family who have perfected a strike, then get your competition on!

I hope you have been inspired, Dear Reader, by my top ten indoor activity ideas. They are sure to keep both yourself and your kiddos entertained during the rainy or scorchingly hot summer days. Have fun exploring new ways to enjoy indoor activities. Make sure to comment and let me know what activities you would like to explore with the kiddos the most.

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