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Summer Fun Part One: Top TEN Outdoor Activities for Kids

Hello dear reader! Summer is here and in full swing. The kids are out of school and family vacations are being planned (if not already taken). If you're looking for free, (or almost free), fun, and memorable OUTDOOR summer activities for you and the kiddos to enjoy together, look no further.

#1 Parade

Summertime usually has an abundance of parades that you can go to. Everything from the annual Independence Day Parade, which you can count on finding in every town, city, and village in the United States of America, to the more unique parades you will find scattered across these great United States.

In my native Wisconsin, if you go to Bear Creek you will find the St. Mary's Catholic Church Sauerkraut Festival. Yup. You read that right. A sauerkraut festival that includes a parade! Now. I understand that sauerkraut isn't everyone's go-to side condiment.

However, if you are like me and from the north-central area of the USA, you will find many families of German, Polish, and Irish descent. And we tend to love our sauerkraut, so this would defiantly be a fun and unique experience for the family!

To find something in your area, do a quick Google search and I'm sure you will find a list of unique parades you can take the kiddos to!

#2 Outdoor Movie

When I was little, my parents and grandparents would tell me stories of how much fun they had going to those old outdoor drive-in theaters. I was even lucky enough to go to one before the one in our area closed down and while drive-in theaters experienced a steep decline in popularity, they are starting to make a slow comeback here and there.

The good news is you don't have to wait for a drive-in theater to open up in your area to have a fun outdoor theater experience.

"Movies in the Park" have become very popular over the last few years. All you have to do is show up with your blankets and chairs, a cooler full of yummy goodies, and settle in for an outdoor theater experience.

I feel that I should note that most parks that boast a family movie night a few times a month will also have food vendors and other activities on site for the kiddos as well.

#3 Splash Pad/Swimming

Splash pads are another popular place to take your kiddos. Usually located in parks but sometimes you can find them in a downtown area. Which, bonus, you can bring your own food and drink! They are great for the littles as well as older kiddos and it is honestly hours of fun.

I mean, a playground designed to provide sprinklers to run through, buckets of water to fall, and other assorted water-soaking devices seems like a dream come true during those hot, long summer days. Just remember the sunblock and a hat. And you might as well put on your swimsuit too because the fun and laughter are contagious. You're going to find yourself out there on the splash pad pointing that water canon at your kids!!

#4 Beach

If you are lucky enough to live within driving distance of a beach (lakes work just as well as the ocean!) take advantage of this dear reader. Pack up some snacks and drinks, towels, an umbrella, and SPF, and get ready to have fun in the sun and sand. 

The possibilities are almost endless when it comes to the activities you can do at the beach. You can have a sandcastle building contest, play in the water, introduce your kiddos to surfing if you live by the ocean, or tubing and waterskiing if you live near a lake. Some beaches even allow campfires so bring the makings for smores!

(Safety note: Bring a life jacket for the kids. Regardless of their swimming abilities.)

#5 Fly Kites

Do you remember the wonder and fascination of flying your first kite? It was like magic. Gab your kiddos, a kite (let them pick it out) and head to a park. Enjoy teaching them how to fly a kite. It's a great way to unplug and have some fun outdoor time. Not to mention it's simple and hours of fun.

#6 Camping /Hiking/Nature Scavenger Hunt

Ahhhh the great outdoors. Sitting around a campfire. Roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories.

It doesn't matter if you're "glamping", "roughing it" or something in between, getting out in nature and unplugging from tech is an amazing way to connect with your kiddos (and your spouse!). Enjoy activities like hiking and nature scavenger hunts during the day and time by the campfire at night.

#7 Fishing

One of my favorite memories that I have as a little kid is fishing with my grandpa and my dad. It was just a little overflow pond located by cranberry marshes on a back country road but to me, it was a great adventure. As an adult, I realized that my grandpa, a man of few words, enjoyed sitting in silence with me as much as I enjoyed showing him the fish I caught.

So, grab your kiddos, a fishing pole, and a bucket of night crawlers (or other bait if that sets your stomach on edge) and head to a creek, lake, river, pond, or even the ocean.

Teach them how to bait a hook and remove a fish. Teach them to catch and release or how to clean a fish. No matter if you catch fish or not, it's time well spent and memories they will have forever.

#8 Stargazing

If you have a little one with a fascination with the stars in the sky, pull out a blanket and stargaze with them in your backyard! You can talk about constellations, planets, and the galaxy we live in. You could even take it one step further and invest in a telescope. Imagine how blown away they would be seeing the moon and stars "up close"!

#9 Cultural Festivals

Taking the kiddos to a cultural festival (Irish, German, Greek, Russian, Polish, etc.) is not only a great excuse to get out of the house but also to experience different cultures that you may not normally get a chance to do. 

While at these festivals, you can try different foods, and see different crafts, music, clothing, and even dances that are unique and authentic to that particular culture/country. It's also a great way to sneak in a bit of summer learning that your kids probably won't even notice!

#10 Local or State Fair

Going to the fair has been a summer tradition across America for centuries and it's a great way to make memories with your kids. It doesn't matter if it is a small county fair or a large sprawling state fair, nothing says summer like the kaleidoscope of colors and events you will find there.

You will enjoy everything from crafts, pie-baking competitions, BBQ cook-offs, carnival rides, and games, to 4H projects and kids showing their livestock. Not to mention the food. Can anyone say corn dogs, funnel cake, and lemonade?

So, there you have my top 10 picks for outdoor activities you can do with your kiddos. I hope you enjoy yourself this summer, Dear Reader. Go and make some big, beautiful, bright memories. Which one would you like to do the most with your kids? I hope to hear from you!

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