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Live Fearless

FEARLESS, adj. Unaffected by fear; bold, intrepid. Synonym: Brave ~From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

National Live Fearless Day (September 2) is a day that was started in 2020 by a young woman by the name of Landry Champin, whose goal was to encourage others to live an authentic life by facing their fears and finding the courage to get out of their comfort zone.

On this day, people are encouraged to appreciate the people in their lives who have been there to support them and to encourage both ourselves and our peers to take on new challenges and opportunities. It has become a day that symbolizes humanity's resilience in the face of adversity.

Now, unfortunately, Dear Reader, I wasn't aware of this specific September holiday until it had already passed us by because I usually don't pay much attention to all the random unknown holidays/national days/months, etc.

However, when I discovered this national day, I thought that it was an amazing day to celebrate! With that in mind, I chose to focus on this holiday this week even though the day has come and gone.

  The truth is, the idea of living fearlessly and authentically isn't something that has to have a specific day to start. It is a constant—a way of life and an acknowledgment of oneself.

BRAVE, adj. Having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty: having or showing Courage. ~From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Upon reflection, I had to ask myself, what exactly does living fearless look like? For that matter, what does it mean to live an authentic life?

I've found after reading several psychology journals and various articles, that living authentically, in the most simple form, means that there is an awareness of oneself and that your actions align with your core values and beliefs despite obstacles and opposition. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not.

Authenticity comes with action and those actions can be terrifying. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure can be paralyzing.

Standing up to people in positions of power. Disagreeing with loved ones. Standing apart from the crowd. Perusing a career, sport, hobby, etc., in which you may not succeed.

Doing any of those things requires you to face your fears while actively stepping out of your comfort zone and moving forward into the unknown. You are choosing to enter into a state of mental, moral, or physical difficulty and discomfort to achieve your goals.

You have to become fearless.

COURAGE, noun. Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty ~From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Now, I'd like to be clear. Living a fearless and authentic life doesn't mean that you constantly live in a state of over-the-top confidence taking unnecessary risks. It doesn't even mean that every opportunity that comes your way is an opportunity you take. You are not Jim Carry in Yes Man, saying yes to everything, even the absurd, unhealthy, and, unsafe. (PS: That is not my favorite move, but an adequate analogy)

Living authentically is acknowledging yourself, your goals, dreams, values, and morals and being fearless enough to pursue them despite opposition.

To celebrate National Live Fearless Day, take this opportunity to try something new.

That's not to say you have to jump out of an airplane (unless you've always wanted to). It can be something small.

Go out and try a new sport. Meet some new people. Learn to play that instrument that you've always loved. Learn how to fly a plane, learn to cook that recipe that has always seemed too hard. Learn to surf. Have a hard conversation. Take that trip, write the next bestselling novel, and paint your masterpiece. No matter what you do, do something!

So, Dear Reader, I encourage you to face your fears with bravery, courage, and self-assurance. Live your authentically fearless life to the fullest.

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