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FREE Unit Study: All About Friends

Dear Reader, friendship can be tricky. Making friends, finding friends, and keeping friends are all things we do when we are little, seemingly without putting much thought or effort into it. As we age, friendship becomes more nuanced and harder to hold on to. Some of us keep friends our whole lives. It's a womb-to-tomb kind of thing. Some of us make friends and lose them with the same regularity that we change the oil in our cars. Either way, we all need friends.

If they are good friends, they will be there through the highs and lows of your life. They will know everything about you and love you just the same. You may argue and disagree, but you can always count on them. A true friend becomes family.

With that said, making friends becomes harder as we get older. I feel like it almost becomes a lost skill. Or maybe we just become wiser and more discerning in our choice of friends. Maybe both.

What better time to discuss and teach our kiddos about what good friendship should be like, than the start of the school year?

I've put this short unit study together for your preschool kiddo that explores the topic of friends.

This unit study comes with four printable pages that include topics such as what makes a good friend, who their friends are as well as activities that friends can do together. Your kiddos will have the opportunity to practice writing, scissor skills, and problem-solving. I've also included a short list of my kiddo's favorite books about friendship below.

While this unit was made with preschoolers in mind, I believe that you could use the "a good friend is" worksheet with older kids as well. It would be a great opportunity to have more in-depth conversations about what friendship is. While you list the qualities of a good friend, have them explore the deeper meaning of those qualities.

I hope you have fun talking about friends and friendship with your kiddos and that you enjoy the free unit study included below. Happy back to school Dear Reader!


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