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Back to School Blues: Homeschool Edition

It's that time of year again Dear Reader! The blissful sun-filled days of summer are coming to an end whether we are ready for it or not. It's back-to-school time and this time of year can be hard on everyone.

Here are a few tips and ideas to help make the transition go smoothly for everyone.

#1 Create a Schedule

The flexibility of homeschooling lets you decide the curriculum that your kiddos learn as well as how you structure the day, however, staying organized and on track can be tricky and at times frustrating. Creating a schedule for your homeschooled family will help keep you all on track.

This can include your daily appointments and extracurricular activities. You could even add to the curriculum for that day. I would recommend a large wall calendar that can be easily changed in case plans change (part of the perks of homeschooling). I have found that for my family, having two chalkboard wall calendars works best because they are easily edited/updated—one with appointments and extracurriculars and the second with the curriculum.

To take my organization one step further I also use different colored chalk pencils to color code curriculum and activities for individuals. I've tried several different brands of chalk pencils and like how these hold up and the colors are nice and bright.

I also have a kick-butt planner. I've used so many planners throughout my life, but it wasn't until I started planning a homeschool curriculum that I realized I needed to step up my planner game. I currently use and LOVE the planners from Plum Paper. They have so many cute designs that it's hard to choose, not to mention the amount of customization you can do for your specific needs is amazing!

I could probably just use the planner, but having the schedule, extracurriculars, as well as the curriculum available for the whole family to view on the large wall calendars, is helpful and important.

#2 Get Organized

Organization is so important, for so many reasons, on so many levels. It is so much easier to function when things are organized. When you know where things are and there is a solid plan, your anxiety and stress will go down and you will find that your day will be much more enjoyable.

In addition to that, if your kiddos know what the day is going to entail, and they know what is expected of them it will be easier for them to navigate their day as well, especially if you have a kiddo who has a hard time with transitions or staying on track.

Here are a few ideas that you can easily incorporate into your organizational repertoire.

  • Calendar for keeping track of important dates (as mentioned above!)

  • Timers/Alarm Clock (for those of us who have a very hard time staying on track)

  • Whiteboard or chalkboard for taking notes 

  • Supply caddy for writing and art supplies 

  • Folders with tabs 

  • Visual checklists

    • For those of us with littles (non-readers) or kiddos that need to know

"first this, then that", a visual daily event space can help so much. I purchased this magnet set from the Kids Daily Wonders Store on Amazon. My kiddo loves it! He loves being able to put check marks next to the chores he's completed and he can visualize what we are doing that day. If we have swim lessons, he knows. If we have a doctor's appointment he knows. It honestly works like a charm!

#3 Make Time for Outdoors

Making time for outdoor activities is important. It is so easy to get caught up in the routine and responsibility of household duties as a mom/parent. But getting out of the house, even if it is just a walk around the block is so important for kids and you. It helps reduce stress, boosts energy, enhances creativity, and helps restore your focus. It's a perfect way to disconnect from electronics and spend quality time engaging with your kiddos.

#4 Connect with Other Homeschool Families

Getting to know and connect with other homeschool families is not only important, but it is surprisingly easy! If this is your first year homeschooling (or even if it's not), I'd recommend checking out your local Facebook homeschool groups. There are so many groups you can join and get involved with. It's a good way to gain support and community in addition to providing your kiddos with the opportunity to make new friends!

I'd also do a quick Google search for homeschool groups in your area. You may be pleasantly surprised at the resources available near you.

#5 Set Up a Study Space

Setting up a space specifically dedicated to doing homeschool activities is similar to setting up a desk for yourself to do all your "adult work" (like paying bills).

Make sure to include a table or desk and comfortable seating. Consider things like lighting, and available space. distractions and accessibility. Try to decorate the area, no matter how small it is, with items that both inspire and give an inviting feel that encourages learning.

I hope these simple tips help with the inevitable transition from summer fun to a season of learning Dear Reader. Let me know in the comments what you think or if you have any tips or tricks that you swear by.

Do you make a game plan for back to school?

  • Yes! Is there any other way?

  • Nope. I'm a go with the flow kind of parent.

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Aug 07
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

While I'm excited to start a new job this year, there's something that is definitely a little sad about the end of summer...turning the corner into August. I love your tips though!! I'm going to focus on organization this year and definitely continuing to spend time outdoors!

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I'm so glad that you found the tips in this article helpful and that you reached out! Congratulations on the new job!

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