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At My Coffee Fueled Quest-Adventures in Motherhood,

 my goal is to bring you my beautifully unfiltered and hopefully, humorous views, experiences and insights on life as a mom, wife and women. I have a passion for making a home my family can be proud of, so I'll share simple projects going on around our home, favorite recipes, adventures in homeschooling, fun family activities, vacations and of course, my ever-elusive search for balance.

So, I invite you to pour yourself a cup of coffee and pull up a comfortable chair and come along with me on my Coffee Fueled Quest.

About Me

Hello! My name is Meghan. 

After working my whole adult life, I found myself unexpectedly blessed to be a first-time mom at the age of 40. 

​As happy as I was to be a mom after so many years of being told by doctors that it wouldn't happen, I was also completely at a loss as to what this new chapter would bring. 


I couldn't fathom what being a mom would be like. How was I going to be everything to this tiny miracle and still be ME? 

Now I'm a stay-at-home mom trying to define and live this new chapter in my life. 

I'm a mom. But I'm also an artist, a writer, and a dreamer. I enjoy cooking and baking with the sounds of big band radio playing in the background. I enjoy projects around the house, reading books, and riding horses. I love going on adventures with my family and friends as much as I love curling up on the couch and watching a movie. And of course, I love a good cup of coffee. The simple things in life are the most precious to me.

​Please join me, Dear Reader, on My Coffee Fueled Quest as I share tips and tricks I've learned along the way and as I navigate being the most amazing mom I can be while still being myself.

Wedding Photo
Photo with my parents and husband. I was almost 7 months pregnant!
Fun brunch at my favorite restaurant.
My favorite horse at the ranch I used to work at.
Sawyer studding daddy at during church
Mom and Sawyer!
Daddy holding his baby boy at the hospital.
Our cats, Jack and Gracie. Our first fur babies.
Cooper, my puppy!


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